March 10, 2024Israel is on the brink of launch full-scale war against Lebanon in an attempt to expand the war and fulfil its real objective of creating Greater Israel which includes annexing Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
But in Lebanon it has a worthy opponent who defeated Israel in its last war on Lebanon in 2006 – HEZBOLLAH.
Sharmine Narwani, a Beirut-based journalist and analyst of West Asian geopolitics, and columnist at The Cradle, says: ”Israel will lose in any scenario with Lebanon.”
Must watch
@thecradlemedia @sharmine_narwani, le_doulos
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English Script:
Sharmine Narwani:18 years later and of course, Hezbollah has whole different but much more advanced weapons systems. Israel will lose in any scenario with Lebanon. I mean, they can carpet bomb Lebanon, but now Lebanon can carpet bomb Israel. Let’s not forget what the Hezbollah secretary general Hassan Nasrallah, said some years ago. What you do to us, we will do to you. And the next war will be fought inside Israeli territory. That buffer zone that Hezbollah has created within Israel is now possibly the operational theater for the next war if one happens. Israel’s never had to deal with a buffer zone inside its own state. It’s always imposed buffer zones inside the territories of its enemy states.
Esteban Carrillo: The buffer zone there, the military belt, whatever you want to call it, is in Israel. Up to 200,000 people, at one point where, you know, the settlers had to leave. They detail as well, the sales of power generators have gone up by 500% in Israel because of the threat that Hezbollah poses, not just to, you know, the settlements, but to the infrastructure itself. I remember a few months ago, there was this picture that for the first time in Lebanon, there was power, and in Israel there was the complete darkness.