October 8, 2024French President Emmanuel Macron has called for a halt on arms deliveries to Israel which has been bombing Gaza for a year now, and recently launched a military operation against Lebanon.
“I think that today, the priority is that we return to a political solution, that we stop delivering weapons to fight in Gaza,” Macron told broadcaster France Inter on Saturday.
“France is not delivering any [weapon],” he added during the interview recorded early this week.
While France is not a leading weapons provider for Israel, its voice as a key player in the European Union and as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council carries significant influence amid international efforts to reach a political solution to the conflict in Gaza.
Macron also criticised Netanyahu’s decision to send troops into ground operations in Lebanon, saying the priority should be to “avoid escalation”.
“The Lebanese people must not in turn be sacrificed, Lebanon cannot become another Gaza,” he said.
Macron’s remarks provoked an angry response from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who called them a “disgrace”.
“As Israel fights the forces of barbarism led by Iran, all civilised countries should be standing firmly by Israel’s side,” Netanyahu said in a statement issued by his office. “Yet, President Macron and other Western leaders are now calling for arms embargoes against Israel. Shame on them.”
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English Script:
Emmanuel Macron: Nous sommes en solidarité avec la sécurité d’Israël et je le dis, à deux jours du 7 octobre, nous prendrons plusieurs initiatives à cette occasion pour montrer que nous n’oublions rien, je le dis en ayant une pensée toute particulière pour les familles de victimes et d’otages. Néanmoins, nous essayons aussi d’être cohérents et lorsque nous demandons des cessez-le-feu, c’est le cas pour Gaza, ça a aussi été le cas pour le Liban la semaine dernière, (eh bien nous tâchons de ne pas demander un cessez-le-feu tout en continuant à livrer les armes de la guerre et je pense que c’est simplement de la cohérence.
Benjamin Netanyahu: As Israel fights the forces of barbarism led by Iran, all civilized countries should be standing firmly by Israel’s side. Yet President Macron, and some other western leaders are now calling for an arms embargo against Israel. Shame on them. Is Iran imposing an arms embargo on Hezbollah? On the Houthis? On Hamas? And on its other proxies? Of course not. The axis of terror stands together, but countries who supposedly oppose this terror axis call for an arms embargo on Israel. What a disgrace. Well, let me tell you this, Israel will win with or without their support, but their shame will continue long after the war is won. For in defending ourselves against this barbarism in Israel, as defending civilizations against those who seek to impose a dark age of fanaticism on all of us.