October 21, 2024“Globally, Israel is isolated. On the world stage, it has become a pariah state, and that wouldn’t have happened without our movement,” said Chris Nineham, vice chair of the UK’s Stop the War coalition.
His powerful words echoed in London’s Trafalgar Square, where over 30,000 people gathered to protest for Palestine.
The protests continue to grow stronger, calling for justice, freedom, and human rights for Palestine.
Together, we MUST keep fighting for what’s RIGHT!
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE, SHARE to spread the knowledge.
#FreePalestine #StandWithPalestine #EndTheOccupation #JusticeForPalestine
English Script:
Chris Nineham: This is not a moment to be downhearted. It’s a moment to redouble our efforts. This historic movement has removed a Home Secretary, defied bans, canceled arms sales, forced the despicable David Lammy to suggest that Netanyahu should be arrested. Globally, Israel is isolated. On the world stage, Israel is a pariah state, and that wouldn’t have happened without our movement, and we’ve won the battle of ideas. Only 5% of the British population support what Israel is doing, the warmongers, the elites, the politicians are isolated in British society, and our job now is to mobilize the overwhelming majority who want this horror to end. What is so sickening about the current situation, and what is so disturbing about it, is that for Netanyahu, for Biden, for Starmer, there are no red lines. Nothing appears to be off limits. Burning children alive. Burying whole communities in rubble. Targeted assassinations. Taking the world to the brink of war with Iran. These people who have the nerve to call us hate marchers, have lost all humanity, all rationality. And in the process, they have lost credibility, all credibility around the world. And the reason for this apparent reason is that the Western leaders are not just colluding in what Israel is doing, they are active agents. They back Israel to the hilt, as part of their efforts to dominate the Middle East. And are prepared to do that, even if it takes us to the brink of World War. And that is why our struggle is so hard. We are confronting an imperial project of the most powerful nations on the planet. And all of this raises questions. It raises the question more than anything, of what would it take for them to say: enough is enough? What would it take for them to say stop now? And I’ll tell you your answer. It will take a movement strong enough to make this war unworkable. Our marches, our marches have to keep bringing city center to a halt, time after time, after time! We need workplace walk-outs and student occupations. We need a movement like that which ended the Vietnam war after years of struggle, by making the establishment fear and they are losing control! Let’s serve notice, that we are going to redouble our efforts today. Let’s serve notice, that today we are escalating the movement! Thank you very much.