November 25, 2023It is naive to think that our politicians take decisions in the best interests of their citizens. Some of us idealists would love to believe that to be true and may be 2% of our politicians do act in this way, however the vast majority vote on iissues in their parliaments, congress, senate, bundestag, etc, based on the power of the lobby behind the bill and how much that individual member stands to gain FINANCIALLY.
Watch this short video to get a brief insight into the American political landscape and why so many political players have turned a blind eye to Israel’s decades-long atrocities, human rights violations and oppression against the Palestinians, and why still TODAY, with the whole world witnessing with our very own eyes, the clear acts of genocide against the Palestinians, many US lawmakers continue to tow the line and avert their eye.
I believe the American people should begin questioning the morals and values of their leaders and vote for those that have “some” at least.
English Script:
Your favorite guy. What are you showing me? This looks like nothing. It doesn’t make sense. This is AIPAC, and it’s something we need to talk about. AIPAC stands for American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and they’re one of the biggest lobbyists groups in America. Translation: they give the most money to our politicians to make them do what they want them to do.
They used to be called the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs, but they changed their name and they’ve been paying the people in our government tens of millions of dollars to get their Zionist agenda passed here in our country. It’s an example for you. A politician in our country said that Israel needs to end its occupation. So what did AIPAC do?
They swooped in and gave millions of dollars to get somebody else elected in place of that politician, so there’s no opposition against Israel’s genocide to the Palestinians in our government. Here’s a list of politicians who has received the most money from AIPAC, including Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Mitch McConnell. Almost everybody in our Congress gets money from AIPAC. You want to know why our politicians turn a blind eye to the oppression of the Palestinians?
It’s because their pockets are lined with Israel’s money. And you want to know what wins reelection? Not your vote, more money.