SHAME ON Ursula von der Leyen & EU
December 14, 2023View this post on Instagram
For 10 minutes during the morning session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, @UrsulavonderLeyen eulogised the war in Ukraine.
But for all her false crocodile tears she had NOT a SINGLE WORD to say about PALESTINE and the genocide being committed against hte civilians in #Gaza. She’s an unelected & has no power to make foreign policy. It’s past time for Member States to put her in her place.
Irish MEP Clare Daly put her in her place at the protests outside the parliament and clearly told her and all the EU leaders supporting Israel that “the people of Europe will not let them forget it. Israel and the apartheid state of Isr@el are ont he way out. P@lestine will PREVAIL.”
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE watch the report and SHARE to spread the knowledge.
@claredalymep @europeanparliament @ukparliament @rishisunakmp @potus @staredept usagov
#ceasefirenow #FreePalestine #Interfaith #StandWithUs #Truth #Palestine #Gaza #Humanrights #BoycottZionist #Israel #فلسطين #اسرائیل #غزة
English Script:
Clare Daly: Can I just say thank you so much to all of you for being here today. It is important you represent the conscience of Europe and you represent the hearts and minds of the majority of people the world over. There is no doubt about that this morning in this building, the unelected bureaucrat who poses herself as the voice of Europe stood and spoke for 10 minutes.
She eulogized the war in Ukraine, a war that she has continued to champion, and while she shared crocodile tears for the victims of that war. She never once mentioned, not once mentioned the victims of the genocide that is underway now in Gaza. And for the last ten weeks. Well shame on her! and shame on the countries of the European Union who have followed her!
We know that Gaza and Palestine has been described as a “graveyard for children”, a “war against children”, “hell on earth”, hell on earth! and how will the European Union respond tomorrow, when they deliberate? Will they again ignore the voices of the majority of people in Europe? Will they ignore the voices of the international community, the U.N. aid agencies, and refuse to call a ceasefire?
Our presence here is here to say if they do that, the people of Europe and history will never let them forget it, because history is at a turning point and the world would never be the same again. What we are seeing is the beginning of the dismantlement of the Zionist apartheid state of Israel. Their anger, their violence is the silence of a regime that is on its way out! Palestine will prevail! International law will prevail! Keep on the streets, keep active and make those in power eventually listen.