إسرائيل تفقد أخلاقها
أغسطس ۲۸، ۲۰۲٤
تتحدث كريستيان أمانبور من “سي إن إن” مع رئيس الشاباك السابق “آمي أيالون” حول كيف تفقد إسرائيل أخلاقها وإنسانيتها، ويقول أيالون إن القتل “أصبح أمرًا طبيعيًا”.
هذا هو رئيس الشاباك السابق، من غيره يجب أن يتحدث لتصدقوا؟
إذا كنتم تدافعون عن الحقيقة والعدالة، شاركوا هذا الفيديو لنشر المعرفة
النص العربي:
Christiane Amanpour: Do you feel they’re losing their morality, their humanity?
Ami Ayalon: Not they. We are losing. We are losing our identity as people, as Jews and as human beings.
Christiane Amanpour: Did you ever think you would say that, you’re the former head of Shin Bet?
Ami Ayalon: Yes.
Christiane Amanpour: Did you ever think you’d get to a point…
Ami Ayalon: I said it many times, and I said it in the Shin Bet. When we tried to think of, our code of ethics. I said, we, when we go to war, people do not think…when you send us to war, you do not send us to negotiate. You send us to kill. Now we are born with the idea of you shall not kill. And now you tell me, okay You go to war. Kill all the enemies. Now the idea that I have the right to kill. Now, with time, it becomes a nature. We do not ask why. The only questions that we ask when we go to war is how to kill, whether we should use a knife or a gun or a missile, but it’s become a second nature.