October 25, 2023Yesterday, we witnessed a poignant reality. Two Isr@eli h0st@ges were released by H@mas, unharmed, after Isr@el initially refused to accept them. An offer was made to free 50 more h0st@ages in exchange for life-saving fuel for hospitals, but Isr@el declined.
The focus appears to be on destruction over negotiation, with the death toll rising.
The situation raises concerns about the focus on destruction over negotiation, with the de@th toll rising. Human lives must always surpass political interests. But that does not appear to be Prime Minister N@tanyahu’s focus.
Shocking footage revealed in this report exposes N@tanyahu’s real beliefs and his disrespect for America and its people. While Saudi Prince @Turki Al-Faisal’s recent speech apportions equal blame on H@mas and Isr@el.
Despite clear fault on both sides, the world’s most powerful leaders continue to line up behind I@srael as it continues its g3nocide of the P@lestinians.
We, the people, are standing up, demonstrating in streets and cities all over the world, expressing our disagreement with our governments’ support of Isr@el’s actions, including J3wish communities around the world, who are loudly condemning Isr@el’s brutality. We are all raising our voices, to end the hostilities but our leaders are deaf to our cries.
So, what do we do next? Your opinion matters so share it.
WATCH, Like, Follow and Share this report and let’s change our destiny together. ❤️🤝🤍
شهدنا البارحة واقعًا مؤلمًا، لقد أطلقت حماس سراح رهينتين إسرائيليين دون أن يُصابا بأذى، بعد أن رفضت إسرائيل في البداية قبولهما. وقُدّم عرض لتحرير 50 رهينة إضافية مقابل توفير الوقود المنقذ للحياة للمستشفيات، لكن إسرائيل رفضت. ويبدو أن التركيز ينصب على التدمير بدلًا من التفاوض، مع ارتفاع عدد القتلى.
ويثير الوضع مخاوف بشأن التركيز على التدمير بدلًا من التفاوض، مع ارتفاع عدد القتلى. إن حياة البشر يجب أن تتجاوز دائمًا المصالح السياسية. لكن لا يبدو أن هذا هو محور اهتمام رئيس الوزراء نتانياهو.
يكشف هذا التقرير صورًا صادمة، تكشف معتقدات نتنياهو الحقيقية وعدم احترامه لأميركا وشعبها. في حين أن خطاب الأمير السعودي تركي الفيصل الأخير يلقي باللوم بالتساوي على حماس وإسرائيل.
وعلى الرغم من الخطأ الواضح من كلا الجانبين، فإن أقوى زعماء العالم يواصلون الاصطفاف خلف إسرائيل بينما تواصل الإبادة الجماعية للفلسطينيين.
نحن، الشعب، نقف ونتظاهر في الشوارع والمدن في جميع أنحاء العالم، ونعرب عن عدم موافقتنا على دعم حكوماتنا لتصرفات إسرائيل، بما في ذلك المجتمعات اليهودية في جميع أنحاء العالم، التي تدين بصوت عالٍ وحشية إسرائيل. نحن جميعًا نرفع أصواتنا لإنهاء الأعمال العدائية، لكن قادتنا لا يسمعوا صرخاتنا.
لذلك ماذا نفعل في المرحلة القادمة؟ رأيكم مهم لذا شاركوه.
English Script:
Today two more Israeli hostages were released by Hamas. The two elderly ladies as you can see were calm and looked unharmed. What you need to know is that they were released to the ICRC after Israel refused to accept them. What you also need to know is that Hamas had offered to release 50 hostages in exchange for fuel to be allowed to be included in the humanitarian aid to enable hospitals to conduct their life saving work. But Israel rejected the offer.
It appears Israel is more focused on completing its destruction of Gaza and killing more innocent civilians, the tally reaching 5000 on the Palestinian side and 1400 Israelis overnight, rather than negotiating the release of their own people. It brings into question what Jews all around the world are saying, that Israel and the Israeli people are being HELD HOSTAGE by an EXTREMIST RIGHT-WING REGIME. Jewish people all around the world are condemning this regime for its blatant INHUMANITY AGAINST THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE.
I am focusing on this because saving every single human life must be prioritized over military and political interests. However, we are not witnessing that from Israel. They appear to be bent on more killing and destruction rather than saving more Israeli lives.
If this was the US or any other country, they would be prioritising the release of hostages over any military operation and I am sure President Biden and other leaders have tried to persuade Netanyahu to pursue this line of action, however a new video, that has come to light overnight, secretly shot by someone in a private setting, exposes Netanyahu’s real feelings and attitude towards America and world opinion.
I trust you will be as shocked as I was to see and hear with your own eyes and ears, Netanyahu’s complete disregard and disrespect of the US Administration and human life.
This leads me to the compelling speech given by Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia’s former Chief of Intelligence and envoy to the US and UK, in his address to the Baker Institute in Houston, Texas, a few days ago, which is the first speech given by a senior world official that provides the most equitable account of the responsibilities on both sides and the reasons leading to this violent eruption of war and humanitarian catastrophe that we are now witnessing.
Al Faisal speech:
00:00:00:00 – 00:00:35:00
All militarily occupied people have a right to resist their occupation, even militarily. I do not support the military option in Palestine. I prefer the other option. Civil insurrection and disobedience. It brought down the British Empire in India and the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe. Israel has overwhelming military superiority and we see in front of our eyes the devastation and oblivion it is bringing to the people of Gaza.
00:00:35:02 – 00:00:54:16
I categorically condemn Hamas as targeting of civilian targets of any age or gender as it is accused of. Such targeting belies Hamas’s claims to an Islamic identity. There is an Islamic injunction against the killing of innocent children, women and elders.
00:00:54:16 – 00:01:09:17
I also condemned Hamas as gifting to the higher moral ground to an Israeli government that is universally shunned even by half of the Israeli public, as fascist, miscreant and abhorrent.
00:01:09:19 – 00:01:18:14
I condemn Hamas for giving this awful government the excuse to ethnically cleansed Gaza of its citizens and bombing them to oblivion.
00:01:18:14 – 00:01:38:10
I condemn Hamas for sabotaging the attempt of Saudi Arabia to reach a peaceful resolution to the plight of the Palestinian people. But equally, I condemn Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian innocent civilians in Gaza and the attempt to forcibly drive them into Sinai.
00:01:38:10 – 00:01:57:03
Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’ve been hearing a repeated phrase in American media unprovoked attack. What more provocation is required to make it provoked than what Israel has done to the Palestinian people for three quarters of a century?
00:01:57:03 – 00:02:01:00
I condemn Israel’s sealing of Palestinian lands.
00:02:01:02 – 00:02:36:15
I condemn the Israeli colonists who are rampaging through houses of worship in the other mosque in Jerusalem. I condemn Israel for destroying Palestinian homes and all of our kids. I condemn Israel for incarcerating Palestinian women, children and men in concentration camps without recourse to due process. I condemn Israel’s targeted killings and assassinations of Palestinians. I condemn Israel for funneling Qatari money to Hamas, the terrorist group as defined by Israel.
00:02:36:17 – 00:02:52:10
I condemn Western politicians for shedding tears when Israelis are killed by Palestinians, but refuse to even express sorrow when Israelis kill Palestinians. There are no heroes in this conflict, only victims.
I leave you with this final question: If fault clearly lies on both sides and the evidence is irrefutable, why are world leaders staying silent and allowing Israel to continue its murderous rampage and assault on innocent civilians?
We the people are demonstrating in streets and cities all over the world telling our governments that we do not agree with their siding with Israel, but they are still not listening to us.
What we need is complete civil disobedience and unrest before they pull us into a war that will only result in, we the people paying the price and the leaders sitting safely in their chairs behind a wall of security.
So what do we do NEXT?
Your opinion Matters.
Let the world hear your voice.
We want to hear all your ideas.
This has to be a global movement the likes of which we haven’t seen since the FREE MANDELA movement of the 1990s.