December 6, 2023International Criminal Court Prosecutor, Karim Khan, released a telling video after his trip to Palestine and Israel over the weekend visiting the sites of the atrocities that were committed by Hamas and are being committed by Israel everyday since Oct 8.
He stated: “I have made it crystal clear the law is not some cosmetic adornment that cannot be disregarded… the law can’t be interpreted in a way that it denudes it from meaning…that fails to achieve what the Geneva Conventions were meant to do, which is to protect the most vulnerable of society, the babies and children, the old and the infirm, civilian men and women.”
”This is an insistence that is required by parties to the conflict and by ISRAEL..this is the time to comply although it is already late. But if Israel doesn’t comply now they shouldn’t complain later.”
Let’s hope his words carry weight and he follows through with his threats and he is not just paying lipservice to the suffering and injustice endured by the Palestinians.
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE watch the report and SHARE to spread the knowledge.
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English Script:
Karim khan:
I’m here in Ramallah. It’s been a productive day, a long day in which I’ve met the president, his Excellency Mahmoud Abbas, I’ve had the opportunity to engage with victims and heard their accounts, their suffering both from Gaza and from the West Bank. The pain is real, the loss is acute, and I really feel it’s a privilege to have had this opportunity to speak with them.
My message has been clear. This is an active investigation.
It’s an investigation that is a priority for my office. I have made it crystal clear the law is not some cosmetic adornment that can be disregarded. It’s a fundamental requirement that must be complied with. Schools, hospitals, churches and mosques, dwelling houses are protected and must not be bombed. I’ve made it also abundantly clear that the law can’t be interpreted in a way that fails to achieve what the Geneva Conventions were meant to do, which is to protect the most vulnerable of society, babies and children, the old and the infirm, civilian men and women. This is an insistence that is required by parties to the conflict and by Israel.
I’ve made that very clear here. I emphasized again that humanitarian assistance must be allowed in at pace, at scale in Gaza. It is not acceptable. But I was crystal clear that this is the time to comply with the law, it is already late. And if Israel doesn’t comply now, they shouldn’t complain later. I emphasize settler violence is unacceptable and is something we are investigating. We have been investigating and we are accelerating investigations.
No Israeli settler armed with an ideology and a gun can think it’s open season on Palestinians. Israel has a fundamental responsibility as an occupying power. I emphasized, to investigate those crimes, to prosecute those crimes, to prevent their recurrence, but to ensure justice. And my office is investigating that, to ensure that those rights are also vindicated. And that’s why we have the International Criminal Court.