December 8, 2023“Independent Israeli journalist, Or-ly Barlev, explains how Benjamin Netanyahu called a press conference and only invited the foreign media. She explains that he did this because it is easy for him to LIE to the FOREIGN MEDIA because they are not fully aware of all the domestic issues and the historical issues concerning the Palestinian problem.
The truly independent and moderate groups and people in Israel strongly disapprove of Netanyahu and his policies and coalition of extremists who are pushing an apartheid plan.
This is If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE watch the report and SHARE to spread the knowledge.
Credit: @orlybarev
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English Script:
Or-ly Barlev: Prime minister-designate of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, recently gave interviews to international journalists. He did not speak with real Israeli journalists. This is not a coincidence. It is much easier for him to lie and present false narrative to foreign media. Sparing himself severe international criticism for his actions. My name is
Or-ly Barlev, and I’m an independent journalist covering governmental corruption, including Netanyahu’s criminal trial.
In his NBC interview, Netanyahu falsely claimed to be the defender of democracy all while pursuing steps to crush both the Supreme Court and Israeli democracy itself. Beware, Netanyahu is constantly caught in lies. Even his senior coalition partner calls him liar, son of a liar. He is currently on trial on multiple counts of fraud, bribery and breach of trust.
As unfathomable as it may seem, Netanyahu is attempting to pass laws that will halt or even cancel his trial entirely. Responsible politicians have refused to form a government with an indicted defendant. Those who agreed to join him are ultra extremist or those with a sordid criminal history themselves. Netanyahu is shackled to his extremist partners, easily extorted. He needs their support to change the laws and evade his on trial.