December 11, 2023– MARC LAMONT HILL
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This man is an inspiration for humanity. @Marclamonthill for President of America.✊🏼 We need real leaders who speak truth and justice for all God’s people not just the RICH ONES or the ones that can easily be bought. “We must stand against settler-colonialism. We must be unafraid to name it. We must be unafraid to call it out. We must be unafraid to stand in justice and freedom and deomocracy…” WATCH AND SHARE Credit @soapbox #ceasefirenow #FreePalestine #Interfaith #StandWithUs #Truth #Palestine #Gaza #Humanrights #BoycottZionist #Israel #فلسطين #اسرائیل #غزة”
English Script:
Marc: So that’s why I ain’t think I did nothing too crazy when I went to the U.N. They asked me to come to the U.N. to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people as a representative of civil society, as a non-Palestinian person. For me, as a black person, as an African in America, that meant that I was trying to stand in a tradition of African freedom fighters who have stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
I’m talking about Malcolm X. I’m talking about Huey Newton. I’m talking about Angela Y. Davis. I’m talking about SNCC. I’m talking about Ethel Minor. I’m talking about all the freedom fighters who stood up and said: “We must stand against settler colonialism. We must be unafraid to name it. We must be unafraid to call it out. We must be unafraid to stand in justice and freedom and democracy.
We stand in a tradition, and we will not be moved. We will not back down. We will not be silenced.