December 13, 2023The argument that Isr@el and its “”followers”” are using that “”all Palestinians are terrorists because they voted in Hamas”” needs to be considered in relation to the Nazis and the Germans who elected them to power in the 1930s.
So using the same logic that is being permitted by world leaders today to allow Israel to carpet bomb the Gaza Strip, I want to know why the Allied Powers during WWII – the USA, Britain, France, the Soviet Union and other allies – didn’t decide to carpet bomb the whole of Germany and all its citizens when the German citizens ELECTED the NAZIS?
Was it because commonsense prevailed during this time and world leaders understood that the people were NOT responsible for the actions of its leaders and military? Or MAYBE because they understood that killing millions of civilians was against every ethical principle and they could not and should not apply COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT upon the German populace?
The HYPOCRISY at the UN and in the narrative that Israel is using to justify its massacre and genocide, and which has been adopted and being spun by politicians around the world is STUPEFYING!
If you have any comments or can help me understand the difference I would be very grateful to hear them?
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE watch the report and SHARE to spread the knowledge.
@germany @israel @usa @holocaust @icc @justice @palestine
#ceasefirenow #FreePalestine #Interfaith #StandWithUs #Truth #Palestine #Gaza #Humanrights #BoycottZionist #Israel #فلسطين #اسرائیل #غزة
English Script:
Daizy: I have a question for America. Remember World War Two? Remember the Nazis and how they killed 6 million people, 6 million Jewish people in the Holocaust and the pogroms and concentration camps? My question is, why in that World War, didn’t America, Britain, France and the rest of the world come in and annihilate Germany when the German people were living in Germany under Nazis rule, why was it not okay to come in and destroy carpet bomb and murder all of the Germans, if they were the ones that elected Adolf Hitler and the Nazis? Why weren’t they considered terrorists and fascists the whole of Germany…because they voted for them, they elected them in and the Nazis committed the atrocities across the entirety of Europe, coming all the way to England. Bombing England. Bombing France. Bombing nearly every country across Europe. So, let me ask you again, when you look at the same logic that Israel and America and Europe and the rest of the free world, bar a few, are claiming that it’s okay in self-defense for Israel to carpet bomb Gaza and Israel claims that the entire population of Palestine, the Palestinians, are all terrorists because they voted in Hamas. Why is the same logic not applied and wasn’t that applied back in World War Two when it was the Germans that elected the Nazis? Why didn’t France, America, the UK and everyone else go in and say, all of the Germans deserve to be annihilated and incinerated because they elected the Nazis to power? Answer that one for me?