January 15, 2024Bernie Sanders demands that Congress do more to investigate whether US weapons or assistance is being used by Israel to “violate human rights standards in Gaza”.
This is still far from enough from Bernie, both in terms of the diagnosis of the issue as well as in identifying a solution. This is not just a humanitarian catastrophe, Bernie, it is the destruction of a people and the mass murder of tens of thousands of people. It’s a genocide.
And an investigation into whether Israel is using US weapons to “violate human rights standards” is the most Washington DC thing I have ever heard. An investigation isn’t needed to come to that conclusion— it’s clearly the case. Calling for a ceasefire and sanctions on Israel is way overdue, and anything less is a betrayal of all those who voted for you.
Sad to see Bernie still toeing the line. Unfortunately the fact is that Bernie is still saying more than the vast majority of Congress— that’s how bad the current state of affairs in Washington is. Only 4 senators have called for a ceasefire (he isn’t even one of them). Most of the rest are still calling for unconditional support for Israel.
For a full list of House Members and Senators who have called for a ceasefire, visit: winwithoutwar.org/congress-ceasefire/
For a full list of House members and Senators and the amount of contributions (bribes) they’ve received from the Pro-Israel lobby visit: www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&mem=Y&recipdetail=S
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#LewisGoodall #Israel #Gaza #LBC
English Script:
Jake Tapper: Let’s talk about the war that Israel is waging in Gaza. You are trying to force a vote in Congress that would direct the US State Department to look into whether Israel is using U.S. equipment or assistance to violate human rights standards in Gaza. The spokesman for the National Security Council, John Kirby, responded to your plan, saying, quote, We do not believe that this resolution is the right vehicle to address these issues, and we don’t think now is the right time. The Israelis have indicated they are preparing to transition their operations to a much lower intensity and we believe that that transition will be helpful, both in terms of reducing civilian casualties as well as increasing humanitarian assistance, unquote. What do you say to that?
Bernie Sanders: I strongly disagree, Jake. We have got to, as Americans, take a very deep breath. What is going on in Gaza right now is a horrendous humanitarian catastrophe. We’re looking at 23,000 people who have been killed almost 60,000 have been wounded. And two thirds of the people who have been killed are women and children. You’re looking at 70% of the housing units in Gaza that have been destroyed. Jake, if I use the word Dresden, Germany, to you, you think about the horrific destruction during World War Two of that ci. What is going on in Gaza now in three months is worse than what took place in Dresden over a two year period. This is a catastrophe. And now, according to the United Nations, after you have 1.9 million people displaced from their homes, they don’t have food, they don’t have water, they don’t have medical equipment, they don’t have fuel. What you are looking at is an imminent starvation. Children are starving to death. So my view has been from the beginning, Israel has a right to respond to this horrific terrorist attack from Hamas. But you do not have a right to go to war against an entire people, women and children. And the United States Congress has got to act because a lot of this destruction is being done with military weapons supplied by the United States of America. And what the resolution that I’m introducing is about, it’s consistent with a foreign assistance act. It says that if American military assistance is given to any country, Saudi Arabia, Israel, any other country, it has got to be used consistent with human rights, international human rights standards and American law. In my opinion, that is certainly not the case. We have a horrific humanitarian catastrophe. We cannot turn our backs on it. Congress has got to start moving to protect children in Palestine.