January 19, 2024FINALLY, it appears, the USA are beginning to understand that Netanyahu and countless Israel Prime Ministers before him, for decades, HAVE BEEN LYING to them about their real intentions for a TWO-STATE SOLUTION.
Today, Netanyahu could not have been more transparent about Israel’s objectives.
This public statement by the Israeli PM drew the ire of the US administration who retorted with a clear statement that there would be no peace in Israel without an independent Palestinian state.
A SHOWDOWN is on the cards now to see whether the dirty money that has underpinned President Biden and hundreds if not thousands of US lawmakers for more than five decades, buying their votes, buying their allegiance and buying their souls will payoff for AIPAC and the global Zionist lobby that has taken control of not only US politics, but THE WORLD.
Credit: @newshour
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English Script:
Tv anchor: In the day’s other headlines, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed any talk of Palestinian statehood after the Gaza war ends that laid bare a deep division with US policy. But the prime minister said he’s made his stance clear to Washington
Netanyahu: In any future arrangement, Israel needs security control over all territory west of the Jordan.I tell this truth to our American friends. The Prime Minister needs to be capable of saying no to our friends, saying no when necessary, and saying yes when possible. The state of Israel had to control the entire area from the river to the sea. This is what happens when you have sovereignty. This truth I say to our American friends.
Tv anchor: In response, the State Department underscored the US stance, that postwar planning must include a state for Palestinians.
Mathew Miller: There is no way to solve their long-term challenges, to provide lasting security, and there is no way to solve the short-term challenges of rebuilding Gaza and establishing governance in Gaza and providing security for Gaza without the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Tv anchor: Netanyahu also insisted again today that the fighting will continue until there is a decisive victory over Hamas.