January 27, 2024Comedian Konstantin Kisin sheds light on alarming revelations about censorship in British comedy, unveiling a significant surge in arrests across the country.
What is most startling is when compared to Russia, which western nations accuse of being one of the harshest punishers of criticism against the state, he reveals that in the same year, 2018, Russia arrested and imprisoned 400 people for critical posts on social media, while BRITAIN arrested 3300!
Fascinating and very disturbing!
Credits: @myndsetmentor
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يسلّط الممثل الكوميدي “كونستانتين كيسين” الضوء على اكتشافات مثيرة للقلق حول الرقابة في الكوميديا البريطانية، ويكشف عن زيادة كبيرة في الاعتقالات في جميع أنحاء البلاد. الأمر الأكثر إثارة للدهشة هو أن عند مقارنتها بروسيا، التي تتهمها الدول الغربية بأنها واحدة من أشد المعاقبين على انتقاد الدولة، يكشف أن في نفس العام، 2018، اعتقلت روسيا وسجنت 400 شخص بسبب منشورات انتقادية على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، بينما اعتقلت بريطانيا 3300! هذا أمر مدهش ومُقلق للغاية!
تعود حقوق الفيديو لـ : @myndsetmentor
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English Script:
Konstantin Kisin: In Russia last year, 400 people were arrested for things that they said on social mediaو 400 people in Russia. Obviously, this country is very different. How many people do you think were arrested in Britain for things they said on social media last year?
John Anderson: Go on,
Konstantin Kisin: take a guess.
John Anderson: I’ve no idea.
Konstantin Kisin: 3300
John Anderson: Really arrested for what they said on social media.
Konstantin Kisin: yeah
John Anderson: Really? What sort of things get you arrested?
Konstantin Kisin: One example I give on my show is there was a young woman from Liverpool called Chelsea Russell, her friend was killed in a car crash, 19-year-old woman. And she posted the lyrics of his favorite song on her Instagram. The lyrics. And there was a rap song, so the lyrics contained several instances of the N-word. She was arrested, prosecuted, found guilty, given 500 hours of community service and a fine. Tagged, and for a year she was under 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. curfew.
John Anderson: My goodness.
Konstantin Kisin: In Britain
John Anderson: In Britain
Konstantin Kisin: in 2018.