April 4, 2024Watch this fascinating analogy by Sharmine Narwani, a journalist on Middle Eastern affairs, as she compares Iran’s strategy with Israel like that of boiling a frog.
“The change of one degree at a time is so gradual that the frog doesn’t realise he’s being boiled until it’s too late,” she explains.
Iran does not engage DIRECTLY with Israel but has its allies engage (boiling the frog slowly…)
This strategy is slowly destroying Israel!
The Iranians are sitting back and watching it literally boil over!
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شاهدوا هذا التشبيه الرائع الذي إستخدمته “شارمين نارواني” وهي صحفية متخصصة في شؤون الشرق الأوسط، وهي تقارن استراتيجية إيران مع إسرائيل مثل غليان الضفدع.
وتوضح قائلة: “إن زيادة درجة واحدة في كل مرة بطريقة تدريجية تجعل الضفدع غير مُدركٍ أنه يغلي إلا بعد فوات الأوان”.
فإيران لا تتعامل بشكل مباشر مع إسرائيل، لكن حلفائها يتعاملون معها بهذه الإستراتجية.
وهذه الإستراتيجية تدمر إسرائيل ببطء! فالإيرانيون يشاهدونها وهي تغلي حرفيًا!
إذا كنتم تدافعون عن الحقيقة والعدالة، شاركوا هذا الفيديو لنشر المعرفة.
#FreeGaza #PalestineSolidarity #GazaGenocide #UNRWA #EndGenocide #Palestine #ICJJustice #ceasefirenow #FreePalestine #Interfaith #StandWithUs #Truth #Palestine #Gaza #Humanrights # Israel #فلسطين #اسرائیل #غزة
English Script:
Sharmine Narwani: Iran has to be very calculating its response. And I want to just quote from an article that we will publish this week, and the article is called: How Do Iranians Boil a Frog? Quote: “Legend has it that a frog placed in a shallow pot of water heating on a stove will remain happily in the pot of water as the temperature continues to climb and will not jump out even as the water slowly reaches the boiling point and kills the frog. The change of one degree of temperature at a time is so gradual that the frog doesn’t realize he’s being boiled until it’s too late.” Now, this has been Iran’s asymmetrical strategy towards Israel. Don’t engage directly in the war to make Iran a clear target for Israel, but have its allies engage. And they are doing it of their own volition. And their allies are not state actors, right? So, it’s like a swarm from here, from there, from Yemen, from Iraq, from Lebanon, from Gaza, from the West Bank. Israel gets truly swarmed. Look at Israel’s condition today. Its economy is in shambles. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis in the north and the south have been displaced. No homes, no jobs. The blockade of its vital shipping waterways. The Eiliat Port is disabled. And it knows that its Mediterranean ports, Ashdod and Haifa can be disabled too. 80% of Israelis outside say they will not return. And you’re going to see with the new conscription laws that you’re going to have a huge exodus of ultra-Orthodox Jews, hundreds, if not thousands of Israeli soldiers dead and international pariah status. This is how Iran is boiling the frog.