April 19, 2024Watch this report by Al-Jazeera which exposes Mark Regev, Former Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom, clearly intervening in British politics by advising the politician present how to spin the truth to ensure the Zionist viewpoint is all they remember and use.
“Why are people who consider themselves progressive in Britain supporting reactionaries like Hamas and Hezbollah?” He asks.
The report highlights the internal conflict in the British Labour Party and the weaponisation of anti-semitism.
“There is a crisis of the way anti-semitism is being manipulated and being used by certain parts of not just the Labour party,” Jackie Walker, the former Vice-President of Momentum, a faction within Labour, states.
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English Script:
VO: Regev suggests a message that should be delivered to other Labor Party members.
Mark Regev: Why are people who consider themselves progressive in Britain, supporting reactionaries like Hamas and Hezbollah. We’ve got say in the language, I think of social democracy. These people are misogynistic, they are homophobic, they are racist, they are anti-Semitic, they are reactionary. I think that’s what we need to say, it’s an important message.
VO: Jeremy Newmark, the chairman of the Jewish Labour Movement, reveals how the message worked with a close ally of Jeremy Corbyn.
Jeremy Newmark: Just to get Clive Lewis, as one of Corbyn’s key lieutenants, onto an openly zionist JML platform took a lot of heavy lifting.
Clive Lewis: Clive Lewis MP for Norwich South look, it’s a real pleasure to have been invited here tonight. I’ve known Jeremy for over 20 years….
VO: Lewis’s decision to condemn anti-semitism at a JML event was viewed as a tactical victory for the faction inside labor that opposes Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn is the party’s first openly pro-Palestinian leader. The faction that supports him is called Momentum.
Jeremy Corbyn: We already have actually intelligence that from the Momentum political directors’ meeting last night…they passed a vote of censure on Clive Lewis, just for coming to our meetings and speaking.
VO: At the time Jackie Walker was Momentum’s vice chair. She believes that reports of a crisis of anti-Semitism were a consequence of the same ruthless party infighting.
Jackie Walker: Some of us would say it was mostly a constructed crisis for political ends. I would say there is a crisis of the way that anti-Semitism is being manipulated and being used by certain parts of not just the Labor Party, but other parties.