April 20, 2024US Marine Kenneth O’Keefe, humanitarian and Pro-Palestinian activist delivers the SCARY REALITY about Israel and those conspiring to help it destroy the world.
“The biggest threat we face is NOT IRAN and its mythical nuclear programme. It is Israel and its 200-400 nuclear weapons and the Samson Option,” O’Keefe says.
Israel established the Samson option as a “deterrence” strategy against any country that threatens its existence. It has stated that it will quote: “DESTROY THE WORLD WITH ITS NUKES!”
This is NOT a JOKE. The WEST has WEAPONISED the DEVIL (Zionist Israel) which is ready to destroy HUMANITY unless everyone bows to its demands!
Are we ready for this?
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English Script:
Unidentified man: The biggest threat that we face is not Iran and its mythical nuclear weapons program. It is Israel and its 2 to 400 nuclear weapons and the Samson option. And if you’re not aware of what the Samson option is, Israel says that if its existence is threatened, that it will destroy the world with its nukes. There are many high level Talmudic Jewish supremacist thinkers in Israel who are ready to launch nukes and destroy Europe and the rest of the world if indeed they feel their existence is threatened. And make no mistake about it. Israel is living on borrowed time. So is Israel going to exercise the Samson option and blow up the world because the world refuses to accept this psychopathic criminal state and all of the danger it poses to the world? It’s not North Korea. It’s not Syria. It’s not Iran. It’s Israel and the traitors inside the United States that are the real threat.