April 21, 2024Former CIA analyst, Philip Giraldi, delivers a sobering truth that exposes the vulnerability of the United States of America due to its “friendship” with Israel.
“If the US goes to war in Iran in the near future, it will not be because Tehran threatens America, it will be because Israel and its powerful Lobby in the US have succeeded”.
He goes on to state that Israel is NO FRIEND to America and that accoding to a report by an FBI counter intelligence office, John Cole, there have been more than 125 cases of Israeli espionage which have been dropped under orders from the Justice Department.
He states that Israel is neither an ally or a friend of the United States.
Worth watching
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English Script:
Philip Giraldi: If the United States goes to war with Iran in the near future, it will not be because Tehran actually threatens America. It will be because Israel and its powerful lobby in the U.S. have succeeded in creating an essentially false casus belli to mandate such action. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who once commented that 9/11 was good for Israel, has repeatedly sought to convince our government to draw red lines that would narrow options for the White House and de facto require it to take action with the military against Iran. Israel has no reluctance to use its enormous political and media clout in the U.S. to pressure successive administrations to conform to its own foreign and security policy views. One other very good reason why Israel should not receive billions of dollars in military assistance annually is this persistent espionage against the United States. Grant Smith has described how friends of Israel stole enriched uranium from a Pennsylvania refinery to create a nuclear arsenal. More recently, we have learned how Arnon Milchon, a Hollywood producer born in Israel, arranged for the illegal purchase of 800 European triggers. Milchon picked up an Oscar last Sunday without any interference from the FBI. The existence of a large scale Israeli spying effort at the time of 9/11 has been widely reported, incorporating Israeli companies in New Jersey and Florida, as well as hundreds of arts students nationwide. Five Israelis from one of the companies were observed celebrating against the backdrop of the Twin Towers going down. More recently, FBI counterintelligence officer John Cole has reported how many cases of Israeli espionage are dropped under orders from the Justice Department. He provides a conservative estimate of 125 viable investigations into Israeli espionage involving both American citizens and Israelis that was stopped due to political pressure. So the answer to the question is Israel an ally of the United States? is most definitely no. Is it even a friend? Well, I suppose there are all kinds of friends in the world. But if you judge Israel by its record on how it interacts with the American government and people, I think the answer would also have to be no. Thank you.