April 27, 2024If you needed an unmistakable display of double standards and a FAILURE of western nations to uphold democracy and international law, then US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken’s, refusal to answer a straight question by a journalist at last week’s State Department media briefing was perfect.
The journalist asked Blinken whether the Geneva Convention applied to Gaza which Blinken refused to answer. Then when cornered in the corridors by the same journalist, Blinken asked if they were “”off the record”” to which the journalist said “”no”” so Blinken refused to reply.
The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are a body of Public International Law, also known as the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, to establish international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in war. All 196 states of the United Nations have signed onto them in agreement.
So Blinken had NO reason not to answer. The fact that he didn’t answer means one of two things:
1. He did not believe Palestinians were of equal standing as Israelis and other peoples from other nations;
2. If he did confirm that the Geneva Conventions applied to Palestinians he would be forced to condemn Israel and thus make the US complicit in war crimes for continuing to arm and aid Israel’s war of genocide.
In another scene, deputy State Dept spokesperson, Vedant Patel, is asked the same question as he similarly dodges the question.
America has lost all credibility as a defender of democracy, humanity and international law.
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English Script:
Antony Blinken: When incidents are brought to our attention, we we look at them and particularly if there’s a possibility that US arms were used in those incidents. Thanks.
Reporter: Mr. Secretary, does the Geneva Conventions apply to Gaza. Reporters have been asking this for months, and not gotten an answer.
Excuse me Mr. Secretary, I was going to ask the question there whether the Geneva Conventions apply to Gaza, we haven’t been able to get an answer that, many reporters have asked.
Antony Blinken: Not going to answer now. We’re off the record here? If we’re not, I’m not going to answer.
Staffer: Yeah we’re not going to answer that question here. Thank you.
Antony Blinken: Appreciate it.
Reporter: Do you recognize the Geneva Conventions as apply…
Vedant Patel: I’ve answered your question so go ahead.
Reporter: No, you’ve evaded it. And your colleague deceitfully responded to it. Do you recognize the Geneva Conventions? It’s a simple question.
Vedant Patel: Go ahead.
Reporter: Do you recognize the Geneva Conventions as applying to Gaza?
Vedant Patel: When you interrupt me, and it’s not not a matter of…I’m not going to take additional questions.
Reporter: It’s a simple answer for a simple question.
Vedant Patel: Go ahead, you’ve got two questions.
Reporter: No, I didn’t get two questions.
Vedant Patel: You did, you asked a question about your report and you asked a follow up. Please go ahead.
Reporter: I’ve got another and you’re refusing to answer.
Vedant Patel: Go ahead.
Reporter: So the Geneva Conventions apply to Gaza or not? It applies to everywhere on the planet except for the Palestinians, isn’t that right?
Vedant Patel: We continue to stress everywhere and everywhere that international humanitarian law needs to be abided by and respected.
Reporter: Do the Geneva Conventions apply?
Vedant Patel: You’re now interrupting your colleague. Go ahead.
Reporter: I’m interrupting you. I’m insisting on an answer to a critical question.
Vedant Patel: Go ahead, sir.
Reporter 2: I’d like to go back to the sanctions against Iran. I’d like to ask about the sanctions.