May 27, 2024
Max Blumenthal, award-winning journalist and bestselling author, reveals why Israeli society as a whole, particularly the upper social elite, DO NOT WANT the war in Gaza to end because they directly depend on the Israeli weapons industry for their existence and to maintain their lifestyle.
Blumenthal refers to « The Lab », a critically acclaimed documentary by Israeli journalist, Yotam Feldman, in which Feldman explains that 150,000 Israeli families, basically the ENTIRE UPPER MIDDLE CLASS subsist of the Israeli weapons industry, so they have no incentive to make peace with the Palestinians. They need the war to continue so they can continue to manufacture weapons, which are « field tested on Palestinians » and then sold on the open weapons marked as « tried and tested ».
The more we learn about Israel’s immoral society, the more we realise how duped we have been by Israel, America, and other so-called western democracies that purport to defend international law and human rights.
This is all connected back to privilege, power and money. These factors are what make the world go around.
People are dispensable if they stand in the way of their progress!!
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE, SHARE to spread the knowledge.
#Gaza #HumanRights #StopTheFamine #MedicalAid #SaveGaza #EndTheWar #HumanityFirst #ActNow #HealthcareForAll #Nakba76 #FreePalestine
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