May 31, 2024Sharmine Narwani, a columnist at the Cradle, called out ARAB LEADERS for their silence and non-intervention in Gaza.
“What are they doing? And they’re talking about Gaza. They should not say ‘Palestine’. They should not say ‘Gaza’… They should not say “Arab’. They should not say ‘Muslim’.
The Arab states have done NOTHING but release ‘statements’ condemning Israel.
The UAE, Sudan, Morrocco and Bahrain remain strong allies of Israel since their signing of the Abraham Accords in 2020.
Saudi Arabia continues to flirt with the idea of normalisation with Israel DESPITE its ongoing genocide against the Palestinians.
The big oil and gas exporters, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Algeria have NOT used their international leverage to pressure Israel!
In 1973, the Saudi state alongside other Arab members of OPEC, caused OUTRAGE in the US when they imposed an oil embargo due to American support of Israel’s 1973 war. But today… that same support is absent and the Palestinians are left to fend for themselves..
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English Script:
Sharmine Narwani: These Arab countries and leaders say they’re “doing everything”. They’re airdropping little, like, little kits of shit and they won’t break off relations with Israel. So let’s just call them out again. Sisi, Sisi. Shut up. Take back Rafah. King Abdullah, oh my god, working against the resistance and helping Israel and helping the West. Mohammed Bin Zayed, who’s basically agreed the path for normalization. All Arab states for Israel. Moroccan King Mohammed the sixth, who buys, you know, Israeli arms and, like, this is cool in Morocco, it’s not, you know, and Bahrain’s Hamad bin Khalifa, what the hell is this little, like, tiny island of nothing doing that needs Saudi Arabia to protect itself? What are they doing? And they’re talking about Gaza. They should not say “Palestine”. They should not say “Gaza”, okay? They should not say “Arab”. They should not say “Muslim”. We’ve had it. Come on. I don’t think they’ve realized what’s happened. I don’t think these Arab autocrats and tyrants realize what’s happening every day. This is happening Gaza. People’s ire isn’t just being turned at Israel and the United States and Western world that is supplying Israel with weapons and legitimacy, but against the Arab leaders who are letting down the Arab people, the Palestinian people, the Islamic world, and it’s enough.