June 2, 2024Legendary comedian and political satirist, Bassem Youssef, and renowned journalist and Zeteo founder, Mehdi Hasan dissect and destroy the pro-Zionist narrative using facts, truth, intelligence and pure wit in this episode of “We’re Not Kidding”.
This grab sums up the irony, hypocrisy and truth about the Zionist agenda and all those who support Zionism by addressing the beliefs of the largest and single-most influential group in the USA and why they are totally, and blindly dedicated to the Zionist ideology – the EVANGELICALS.
It captures a “sermon”, if that is what you can call it, by American pastor and televangelist John Hagee advocating for the elimination of Muslim countries in the Middle East to establish Greater Israel.
If a muslim or christian or jew for that matter, publicly called for the elimination of Israel, in the same way pastor Hagee is doing so in this video, they would be deemed a “terrorist” and thrown in Guantanomo Bay for the rest of their life.
Highly recommend you watch this video and in fact you should watch the whole episode – it is hilarious as much as it is enlightening.
Copy and paste the link in your browser:
@realist_politics @Byoussef @mehdirhasan @zeteonews
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English Script:
John Hagee: God promised the Jewish people these lands. One-half of modern day Egypt, all of Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, and three fourths of Saudi Arabia. This is going to become a reality in the millennial reign, when Jesus Christ rules the world from Jerusalem with a rod of iron. This is Israel right now, and this is what will happen whenever the Messiah comes back.
Bassem Youssef: He says, like sooner or later this’ll happen. So basically, we are being told that we are going to be kicked out of our land soon because God wants that.
Mehdi Hassan: John Hagee is one of the biggest figures, he’s invited to white House events, he’s invited to US embassy openings. Imagine a college kid on campus is saying “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, we’re told that’s genocide. This guy is proposing wiping up multiple countries in the Middle East, he’s a favorite of the Republican Party. And by the way, this is the most important point. He’s an anti-Semite.
Bassem Youssef: They are pro-Israel, but they hate the Jews.