August 3, 2024The claim that Israel has the “best” living conditions is PATHETIC! Israel is an apartheid state that distinguishes based on the race of its people!
“The legal rights of Palestinians in the West Bank are tenuous at best. There are actually two sets of laws there. Jewish settlers enjoy access to civilian law, due process, and the full protection of civil rights. But Palestinians live under Israeli military law,” John Oliver, a British Comedian highlights on his show.
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English Script:
Josh Oliver: And there’s good reason for that girl to be scared, because the legal rights of Palestinians in the West Bank are tenuous at best. There are actually two sets of laws there. Jewish settlers enjoy access to civilian law, due process, and the full protection of civil rights. But Palestinians live under Israeli military law. So if they’re accused of a crime, they’re tried in military courts, which have to put it mildly, significantly fewer protections and both, and boast a roughly 99% conviction rate. And that clearly separate and unequal two tiered justice system, means Palestinians also have little recourse when they’re the victims of the crime because despite both Israeli and international law saying Israeli soldiers have an obligation to protect Palestinian residents of the West Bank, in practice, when it comes to attacks by settlers on Palestinians, there has been a history of silence, avoidance and abetment by Israeli officials. In fact, when an Israeli human rights group looked at more than 1600 cases of settler violence, it found that just 3% resulted in a conviction. And look, I am not a lawyer or statistician, despite looking like what you would get if you smashed those two jobs together with a particle accelerator. But even I can tell you 3% is too low. And for a sense of just how extreme settlements can get, take Hebron, a city home to about 200,000 Palestinians and 700 hard line Israeli settlers who have chosen to live literally above them. Life in Hebron is full of constant reminders about whose safety is prioritized.
Voice over: Just over a year ago, a remote controlled gun, reportedly for crowd dispersal, was installed above this checkpoint.
Reporter: So it’s pointing towards the Palestinians?
Palestinian man: yes
Voice over: Palestinian authorities have had to build an overhead fence to catch rubbish and projectiles thrown down by settlers.
Reporter: So the Israeli settlers live up here?
Palestinian man: They live here and they throw everything down. 12 shops are closed. The settlers attack Palestinians without any kind of accountability.
Reporter: How does it make you feel to see this?
Palestinian man: I feel very sad. From the most beautiful market to closed shops, an outpost. And for me, it illustrates the Israeli judicial system.
Voice over: Someone from the settlement above has thrown a beer bottle at Issa’s head.
Reporter: You okay sir? You okay?
Palestinian man: I got hit by a beer I think or maybe…
Reporter: Did it cut you?
Josh Oliver: That is terrible. And I’m not sure which part of that situation seems less livable. Saying hello to the barrel of a remote control turret every day, or the constant weather forecast of cloudy with a chance of tetanus.