August 12, 2024Richard Nixon, a former US president, EXPOSES the power of the Israeli lobby over the American government, pushing them to do what’s best for “ISRAEL” and not the US.
“The fact is that every Jewish prime Minister that I have known has enlisted American Jews to bring as much pressure as possible in the political process on American Presidents.”
Nixon was President until 1974. How much power do you think the Israel lobby has gained since then?!
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English Script:
Richard Nixon: It isn’t a question of whether I felt it. The fact is that American Jews support Israel, and I understood that. And the fact is that every Jewish prime minister that I have known, has enlisted American Jews to bring as much pressure as possible in the political process on American presidents. That’s understandable, I don’t object to it. Now, our president must not go along with it on occasion because some…but let me let me explain something about what is called the Jewish lobby in this country. In the first place, Jews, understandably, in the United States because of what happened in World War II, because with the Holocaust are going to put first priority on the survival of Israel. Now, as good Americans as they are, they believe that America’s survival and security is directly related to Israel’s. In other words, their belief is that being for Israel first, means that that does not mean you’re putting America second because they think it goes together. An American president, however, has to approach it in a different way, in my opinion. He’s got always to think first of what is best for America. And that’s true whether it has to do with the Israelis or whether it has to do with the Irish or the Germans or the Poles, etc..Usually what is best for America is also best for Israel and vice versa. But on occasions, for example, an American president must make a decision that does not, in effect, give the Israelis a blank cheque. And one example of that is a decision that I made. I decided early on in our administration that we were going to seek good relations with Egypt and other others of Israel’s neighbors. Many of my Israeli friends, didn’t like that, because they wanted a special relationship with Israel and Israel only. But I have always said, that Israel’s interests are better served to have the United States a friend of Israel’s neighbors and potential enemies, than to leave a vacuum which the Soviet Union would fill. I still believe that, and I think that should be American policy today.