Historic Video Claims: WWII German Gas Chambers Alleged Hoax by British Intelligence
January 19, 2025I was literally flawed when I saw this video and heard what this former British politician revealed back in the late 1980s about the German gas chambers and Britain’s role in making them up.
He stated that British intelligence made up the lie that the Germans were “gassing the Jews.”
The Zionist jews found the lie useful after the war and ran with it to support creating Israel. Then they used their media power to reinforce this lie for decades.
If this is true it is UNBLIEVEABLE!!
English Script:
British politician: By doing the work in the British archives that the other historians have not done, Paul Norris has turned up the evidence that our own psychological warfare executive were behind the entire gas chamber story. And once again, we are quoting from the archives there in the British archives how the Psychological warfare executive decides quite cold bloodedly and cynically, to start putting out over the radio waves the allegation that the Germans have built special gas chambers for gassing the Jews and get rid of them. And later on in the files round about 1944, you find the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, who is responsible for the psychological warfare executive writing a handwritten minute. His name is Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, an eminent banker, an industrialist still alive in England, now North Portland, as he is now chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, writing and handwriting in 1944, words to the following effect. We’ve had a good run for our money with this gas chamber lie, but really we’ve got to be a bit careful because eventually it’s going to be exposed. And then our entire psychological warfare effort will be brought down with it. So isn’t it a bit isn’t it a good time now to distance ourselves from this particular story? We’ve set the hare running. Now, we ought to let it go off by itself. A good run for their money in 1944. And here we are in 1988. And that hare is still running 44 years later.