Watch me fume at the injustice!!!
October 13, 2023Lebanon is being drawn into the Israel-Hamas war. A Reuters News Agency journalist was killed today and two others injured as Israel bombs southern villages in Sth Lebanon and uses illegal white phosphorus bombs contravening international law. Lebanese are scared. Country is on high alert and I am fuming at world leaders’ irresponsibility, encouraging and endorsing Israel’s carpet bombing and destruction of Palestinian civilian areas and now they have opened a new front of war with Lebanon.
Watch me fume at the injustice!!!
English Script:
00:00:00:20 – 00:00:32:48
I’ve tried to maintain some sort of distance from the situation happening between Israel and Hamas. The war that started six days ago. But now, only an hour ago, the situation in Lebanon escalated to the point where I’m worried about myself, about the Lebanese, about Lebanon, about more innocent civilians being brought into a disaster that they had nothing to do with.
00:00:33:12 – 00:01:04:13
Just moments ago, I learned that a journalist had been killed. His name is Islam Abdallah, a Reuters news Agency journalist. I got sent the footage in the photos and also another journalist, and I’ll show you videos of it, was severely injured. She couldn’t feel her legs. This is not random. This is not collateral damage, because it’s very clear that there was a cluster of press in this area.
00:01:04:48 – 00:01:29:15
There were no militants. There was no sign of any weaponry. And this is extremely disturbing because you can’t on one side say Israel has the best army and the best intelligence and the best weaponry and the best Iron Dome in the world. And on the second hand, say, oh, our missile went astray or we didn’t target this area.
00:01:29:24 – 00:01:56:13
There is hypocrisy and there’s inconsistency in this argument. We know that there have been skirmishes over the last few days with Hezbollah firing some warning shots across the border and Israel firing back. Israel has specifically targeted bases, specifically targeted villages. I have a friend who’s in the south sending me photographs, sending me footage and sending me constant information of what’s happening down in the South.
00:01:57:14 – 00:02:31:47
This has become extremely tenuous for Lebanon. The memory of 2006, after two Israeli soldiers were taken on the border by Hezbollah, the 36 days or so of constant bombardment across the entire country, destroying the entire infrastructure from utilities to bridges to roads to the airport was unconscionable and the whole world came out against Israel. It seems that Israel is bent on making everyone suffer.
00:02:32:17 – 00:03:07:03
It wants to punish everybody for what’s happened, for the, for the surprise attack, for the lack of readiness that they displayed seven days ago. They’ve been firing into Syria. They’re firing into Lebanon and they’re firing into Gaza. The hail of attack on the Gazan citizens is inhumane. Just about an hour ago or more than an hour ago, they started firing phosphorous bombs into southern Lebanon, which is in complete violation of international law.
00:03:08:06 – 00:03:46:35
I haven’t heard a single politician in the world. I haven’t heard anyone coming out to condemn Israel for these acts of violence and abuse and terrorism against Lebanon, the Lebanese citizens and the Gazan citizens. I don’t understand how America, President Joe Biden, the leadership and the politicians across America, my own prime Minister in Australia, Anthony Albanese, and other political leaders across Australia, can come out and only say that they stand with Israel and haven’t even mentioned a single word,
00:03:46:35 – 00:04:32:19
the word, they haven’t uttered the word Palestinians. I can’t understand how Macron, President Macron, who has a huge community of Palestinians, hasn’t come out and condemned Israel’s barbaric and inhumane attacks against civilians. I can’t understand how Prime Minister Rishi in England, again, all of these leaders coming out in complete support, making it even so clear to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces that they have carte blanche, their approval to go in and do whatever the hell they want to do, in wherever the hell, against whoever the hell they want to.
00:04:32:41 – 00:05:12:16
The only institution, the only person that I’ve heard in the media speaking out against Israel is the United Nations Secretary General, Guterres. I’ve only seen statements from the United Nations and thank God there is one sound mind, rational mind, even handed mind in the world today. I call on those leaders who have witnessed atrocities in all of their countries, who have known that violence begets violence to use rational understanding and peaceful measures.
00:05:12:34 – 00:05:43:01
I know you’re going to say we can’t negotiate with terrorists, but you can’t also give a carte blanche, okay, to Israel to commit equal, if not greatly more human rights violations against civilians across three countries now. Not only Palestine, but Syria and Lebanon. Where are you? Where? Where is your voice voices? Where are your voices now? When people are scared in their homes?
00:05:43:01 – 00:06:16:50
We were supposed to go out and to attend a meeting tonight. Everyone has gone home to their homes in Beirut, across Lebanon, everyone is scared. You have allowed that to happen. You, the leaders of the, of the free, apparently free world, have allowed that to happen because you have given the green light to Israel to do whatever it wants to gain revenge and take vengeance against those that committed atrocities against it.
00:06:17:12 – 00:06:47:32
However, they’re not the only ones that are being mercilessly persecuted and annihilated at this time. You have to uphold the United Nations charter. You have to uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You have to uphold the International War Crimes Tribunal Act. You have a moral, political and social obligation to stand up for justice and stand against injustice.
00:06:48:02 – 00:06:51:06
Where are you? Where are you?