December 9, 2023American entertainer and host of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart explains to Egyptian comedian and entertainer, Bassem Youssef, and live audience his experience with Arabs and how important it is not to accept the sterotypes we are fed through the media and by politicians.
“Ignorance exists on both sides,” he says.
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English Script:
Jon: I’m from America. I live in New York City. 9-11 is very close to my heart. It was a terrible tragedy and I’m over here and I’m in Jordan and I meet a man and we are in a refugee camp and everyone is poor and this man brings me dates and he is incredibly hospitable and he is warm and he is open and he would like me to visit and see his family and I’m just touched by this man and I say, “Well, what is your name”? And he says, “Osama.” And I thought, I need to open up, you know, because you learn that, you know, names are names and stereotypes are stereotypes. But ignorance goes both ways. And so that was, it was, it was a difficult, it’s a kind of thing that you need to open your heart to. It’s very hard but, you know, and I love my country, you know, and I and I especially overseas, defend it to the end.