December 13, 2023View this post on Instagram
A frank and brutally effective comparison of what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank to the Palestinians and how Canadias would deal with America if it tried to do what Israel was doing.
”Now let’s be honest” as she said ”there would be a massive outrage and a world war instantly! So why is this being allowed especially now that the truth has been exposed internationally?”
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE watch the report and SHARE to spread the knowledge.
Video credit to @binthusayn313 & Jessica Wetz
#america #uk #germany #spain #france #un #army #wake #up #people #europe #middleeast #africa #southamerica #australia
#ceasefirenow #FreePalestine #Interfaith #StandWithUs #Truth #Palestine #Gaza #Humanrights #BoycottZionist #Israel #فلسطين #اسرائیل #غزة
English Script:
Israeli settlers are not a thing. Why are we saying this? You are an illegal. You’re a squatter . If I just go to some farmers field right now and start building a house, they’re not calling me a settler. They’re calling the police. Imagine you had a ten-year-old kid and just a normal thing in Canada for soldiers to come and snatch them up off the street and throw them in military jail with no charges, no lawyer, no trial.
Beat and rape them every day. What are they having for dinner? A room of 15 people gets three tomatoes. If that was happening for 75 years, I guarantee Alberta is the first province to start an armed resistance. Get a bunch of dads with fucking guns and go to the military and say, Give us our fucking kids back. Would they be terrorists? or would the soldiers be terrorizing us?
And imagine, your ten year old child. You’re like, Why are they in jail? And they say, Your kid’s a terrorist.
And you’re like, How? Like, where’s the evidence? And they go, We don’t need to give you any. We just get to see they’re terrorists and then we can kill them and hold them hostage. It’s crazy how that word says. Imagine a U.S. soldier just waltzes across the fucking border and sets up a military checkpoint outside my house where they have zero jurisdiction, and then they start shooting at the kids that are walking to school and just pointing guns at them every single day and taunting them.
And every time I try to go to the grocery store, they detain me for 2 hours and interrogate me and say, I’m a fucking terrorist because I don’t follow their religion. The Canadian Armed Forces are coming with their guns. If you’re shooting at children, the Canadian Armed Forces are using a lot of force. When they kick you the fuck back to your side of the border.
So why we are not calling those Canadian soldiers terrorists, right? They’re just protecting Canadians. And if that shoulder soldier gets shot? That’s not fucking terrorism buddy, why the hell are you over here acting like you have jurisdiction over our people and that you can shoot at children? Who the fuck are you? Get out. Imagine an American just knocks on my door, and when I open it, they grab me and throw me out and they move in with all my shit too.
And then I’m like, Whoa, what the fuck? And then I call Canadian police and I’m like, Can you help me? And they’re like, Actually, U.S. soldiers are outside your door and they will murder us if we try to do that, they will throw us in jail and say we’re terrorists. And now I just don’t get to live in my house.
What? That’s what’s happening to Palestinian people. Israeli people can take IDF soldiers, go up to their house and say, get the fuck out, and the soldiers will protect them. And if anybody tries to fight back, they’re terrorists. Terrorists! The right to defend your home. Before October 7th, the music festival terrorist situation, which, by the way, was not supposed to happen at a music festival. Israel knew about it a year in advance and just decided not to fucking care. Right? Because they need an excuse to bomb 20,000 people.
But people are going “They took hostages, they took 220, why? Why? Before this started, Israel had 10,000 Palestinian prisoners, 5000 of which held without charges, meaning 5000 hostages. Hamas only took 225. Okay. To try to get some of their 5000 innocent hostages back.
And people are going, why would they take hostages? They told us. They literally said, we just want to free our people. Okay. We we just want you to go back on your side of the border, okay? You can’t have your military set up outside our house shooting at children and then go, Hey, ceasefire when we try to fight back while you continue to shoot at children, you’re on our land.
We have the right to protect our land. You need to go back on your side of the border within Palestinian borders. Israeli people have built settlements. You want to know what a settlement is? A city A city. A fucking city on land owned by other people. Imagine. Imagine if some fucking Albertan comes over here, picks a Walmart parking lot, and just starts building condominiums.
You don’t own the land. What the fuck are you doing? And then imagine my seven year old goes over and says, What the fuck are you doing? Get out of here. And now they’re put in jail for five years for being a terrorist. 16 year old girls are thrown in jail for terrorism because they posted on Instagram the words Free Palestine.
You think that’s fucking terrorism? How can you trust a country’s definition of terrorism when they count a 16 year old girl posting Free Palestine on Instagram as terrorism? That discredits every single terrorist they’ve ever killed.
Any time you hear someone say this isn’t a genocide, the definition of genocide is destroying a nation. Why are they bombing landmarks and historic buildings like Landmark. They’re trying to wipe out all the history of Palestine. Like, all. All the things in Palestine that make it Palestine. They’re trying to wipe out any existence so that everything they’ve ever, like, created is gone.
It’s pure evil. It’s the worst. It is the worst atrocity I’ve seen in my life. And I hope all those IDF soldiers are tried in international military courts the same way the Nazis were because it’s the same fucking shit, dude. Genocide, genocide.