January 16, 2024Former French Deputy, Jean-Luc Melenchon, who I had the pleasure of meeting along with British MP, @jeremycorbyn while queuing outside the International Court of Justice at 6am last Thursday January 11th, as we queued to try and secure one of the 14 seats open to the public to observe the ICJ South Africa v Israel hearing, warns of the threat of the Israel-Hamas war spreading to Lebanon.
He states France must do all that it can to avert the spread of war and stand by Lebanon against any acts of aggression by Israel.
Credit: @jlmelenchon
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English Script:
On 11th June the house of the Ghaith-Sub Laban family in Jerusalem was seized. The occupation came early morning. Immediately settlers moved in, supported by occupation police. They were not allowed to take anything.
Ra’fat Sub Laban: My name is Ra’fat Sub Laban. My mum is Nora Ghaith. She’s been living in this house for 75 years. This morning Israeli occupation evicted her and my elderly dad from the house so an Israeli settler organisation can seize our home. They have seized the home. They will renovate it and now move a random Jewish family into our place. They are ethnically cleansing the Muslim Quarter. We are in the Muslim Quarter of occupied Jerusalem’s old city. They are committing war crimes in broad daylight and the world is silent. Enough! 75 years occupation, oppression, displacement.
Today, 12 days later, the settlers put the furniture of the family Ghaith-Sub Laban on the street. And Ra’fat Sub Laban was detained by the occupation police. End the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.