January 25, 2024RFK Kennedy Jr., environmental activist and lawyer, exposes the influence of the neocons, a group embedded in the State Department, in shaping U.S. foreign policy. He delves into the “”Project for a New American Century”” manifesto, published in the late 1990s, which advocated for American global dominance through military power and violence.
The video sheds light on the manipulation that led to the Iraq war, resulting in tremendous financial costs, loss of life, and the creation of destabilizing forces like ISIS. Kennedy argues that these neocons, initially thought to be gone, have resurfaced and now strongly nfluence the Biden administration.
Credits: @teamkennedy2024 on TikTok
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English Script:
RFK Kennedy Jr.: The driving force behind wars in this country have been a group of people called the neocons that are embedded in the State Department. They published their manifesto in the late 1990s. It was called the “Project for a New American Century” and this outlined their plans for the world. And what they said is that America had won the Cold War and as the victor, it was our privilege to run the world for at least a century. It would be the Project for a New American Century, and that we should accomplish this feat through the use of our superior military power and through violence. And it outlined eight countries that needed to be overthrown, including Iraq. And shortly after the publication of that, the neocons and the White House, who surrounded President George W Bush, defrauded us into the Iraq war by saying they were weapons of mass destruction and suggesting, you know, falsely that Saddam had something to do with the 9/11 attack. Now that war cost us in the end, about $8 trillion. We left Iraq worse than we found it. We killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein. The country is now an incoherent battle between Shia and Sunni death squads. We created ISIS, we drove 2 million refugees into Europe, which destabilized all the nations in Europe for, you know, the next probably century. And all of those neocons were driven out of office, and we thought they were gone forever, but they reappeared first in the Obama administration. Now they run the Biden administration.