March 21, 2024Israeli government spokesman, Eylon Levy, has been suspended from office after responding to a tweet by British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, regarding allowing humanitarian aid trucks to enter Gaza.
After Cameron posted a tweet about the UK’s concern about increasing aid and the prospective invasion of Gaza, Levy responded:
“It is factually incorrect that the flow of aid has not increased. Last week we had a record 277 trucks. Over the past 2 weeks, there have been nearly 50% MORE food trucks entering compared with before the war. Israel’s crossings have excess capacity and if the UK wants more aid to enter Gaza, it should send it and we’ll make sure it gets in.”
Surprised by this response, the British Foreign Office requested clarification from the Israeli government due to the apparent shift of policy. Levy failed to provide proof obviously CAUGHT IN A LIE which embarrassed the Israeli government with one of its closest allies.
Levy was immediarely suspended with an unexpected return to office.
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تم إيقاف المتحدث باسم الحكومة الإسرائيلية، إيلون ليفي، عن منصبه بعد رده على تغريدة لوزير الخارجية البريطاني، ديفيد كاميرون، بشأن السماح لشاحنات المساعدات الإنسانية بدخول غزة.
بعد أن نشر كاميرون تغريدة حول قلق المملكة المتحدة بشأن زيادة المساعدات والغزو المحتمل لغزة، رد ليفي:
“من غير الصحيح في الواقع القول بأن تدفق المساعدات لم يزد. في الأسبوع الماضي كان لدينا رقم قياسي بلغ 277 شاحنة. على مدى الأسبوعين الماضيين، كان هناك ما يقرب من 50٪ من شاحنات الغذاء التي دخلت مقارنة بما كانت عليه قبل الحرب. المعابر الإسرائيلية لديها طاقة فائضة وإذا أرادت المملكة المتحدة دخول المزيد من المساعدات إلى غزة، فعليها إرسالها وسنتأكد من دخولها”.
فوجئت وزارة الخارجية البريطانية بهذا الرد، وطلبت توضيحًا من الحكومة الإسرائيلية بسبب التحول الواضح في السياسة. فشل ليفي في تقديم دليل واضح على أنه وقع في كذبة أحرجت الحكومة الإسرائيلية مع أحد أقرب حلفائها.
تم تعليق ليفي على الفور مع عودته غير المتوقعة إلى منصبه.
إذا كنت تدافع عن الحقيقة والعدالة، شارك لنشر المعرفة.
#FreeGaza #PalestineSolidarity #GazaGenocide #UNRWA #EndGenocide #Palestine #ICJJustice #ceasefirenow #FreePalestine #Interfaith #StandWithUs #Truth #Palestine #Gaza #Humanrights # Israel #فلسطين #اسرائیل #غزة #airdropaidforgaza #middleeast #egypt #truth #facts
English Script:
Micheal Walker: Eylon Levy has been a key cog in Israel’s propaganda machine since the 7th of October. The Oxford and Cambridge educated Londoner has frequently appeared on our screens defending Israel’s assault on Gaza and calling pro-Palestinian protesters, quote, rape apologists. But it’s now been reported that his time as an official Israeli government spokesperson may be coming to an end. Levy has been suspended from duties after angering the UK government, as reported by the Times of Israel. So what did Levy do to put himself on the wrong side of the UK government? Well on the 6th of March, Foreign Secretary David Cameron said this: “Meeting with Benny Gantz today, I made clear the steps Israel must take to increase aid into Gaza and the UK’s deep concern about the prospect of a military offensive in Rafah. These are tough but necessary conversations”.
Levy took offense at that tweet and posted a long reply, which included this statement: “It is factually incorrect that the flow of aid has not increased. Last week we had a record 277 trucks. Over the past two weeks that have been nearly 50% more food trucks entering compared with before the war. Israel’s crossings have excess capacity and if the UK wants more aid to enter Gaza, it should send it and we’ll make sure it gets in. And in a tweet that has now been deleted, Levy also said this: “I hope you are also aware there are no limits on the entry of food, water, medicine or shelter equipment into Gaza. And in fact, the crossings have excess capacity. Test us, send another 100 trucks a day to Kerem Shalom and will get them in”. Now, those tweets triggered a complaint by officials in the Foreign Office who wrote to Israel’s foreign ministry to express their “surprise” at Levy’s posts and asking whether the remarks reflect the Israeli government’s official position.
In other words, was the Israeli government really trying to tell us they’d let in a hundred trucks a day when there were thousands already queuing outside? Now the answer was obviously no. But Levy’s reply to Cameron isn’t the only time he got himself in trouble over telling half truths to Tory MPs. Responding to a tweet about delays to aid getting into Gaza by chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Alicia Kearns Levy said this: “Hello Alicia, Israeli government spokesperson here. Are you aware the Kerem Shalom Crossing is currently closed on Saturdays at the request of the UN because there is so much on distributed aid piling up on the other side? The problem isn’t aid getting in, it’s getting it around”. But what Lévy didn’t seem to know is that Kearns had recently visited the border with Egypt. Now, she replied with this: “Thanks for your comments. Please provide evidence of the request by the UN to close on Saturdays. This is not what the UN told us yesterday, nor is it recognized by aid agencies and governments I’ve spoken to”. Now in response, Levy posted this: “Thank you for engaging, yhis is the Israeli unit responsible for facilitating the transfer of humanitarian aid into Gaza. They will be happy to help you with any questions you have”. This is the Israeli unit, he’s saying the UN. Kearns wasn’t having it. “Very happy for COGAT”, so that’s the Israeli unit, “to answer as well. But you made this statement re UN requests for no deliveries on Saturday, so I’d be grateful if you can evidence your claims.
And then she said: “provide the evidence behind your statement or retract and correct it”. So she’s not accepting this statement from the Israelis. She wanted Levy to justify it with evidence, not just sort of passing on that request. It isn’t the only British politician as well that Levy has irritated. So Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appears to be turning on his mouthpiece, too. So not just British politicians, also Israeli politicians who are getting annoyed of him. Now, a source in Netanyahu’s office told Israeli newspaper Ynet that Levy was, quote, busy from morning to night promoting himself and running an independent agenda. Before the suspension, Levy’s media appearances had also been reduced, reportedly at the insistence of Netanyahu’s wife, Sarah. That was after she learned that Levy had taken part in anti-government protests over planned judicial reforms. That’s telling that. So on the judicial reform side, he is more liberal than Netanyahu. But when it comes to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, very much on board with the Likud agenda.