April 6, 2024Former UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, Jack Straw, delivers a powerful criticism of the Israeli regime’s genocide in Gaza.
“Things have gone far too far in Israel and Gaza, and there isn’t, in my view, any doubt at all that ISRAEL IS BREACHING INTERNATIONAL LAW!”
He goes on to speak about Israel’s loss of morality and the reputational damage caused to them by this campaign.
“You can just see it on the ground in Gaza, and it’s a tragedy for Israel as well, because they’ve lost the moral high ground that was there after October 7 when there was this terrible atrocity committed by Hamas.”
“And they keep coming up with this stuff about how Israel takes greater care than any other country in this kind of situation ever does. And that’s just frankly nonsense.”
An important perspective from Straw which one can only hope influences members of the British government.
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English Script:
Jack Straw: Things have gone far too far in Israel and Gaza, and there isn’t, in my view, any doubt at all that Israel is breaching international law to sit on the ground in Gaza. And it’s a tragedy for Israel as well, because they’ve lost the moral high ground that was there after October 7 when there was this terrible atrocity committed by Hamas. But they’ve gone in for killing thousands and thousands of completely innocent Palestinian men, women and children and excusing that on the basis that they’re trying to find Hamas operatives. And they keep coming up with this stuff about how Israel takes greater care than any other country in this kind of situation ever does. And that’s just, frankly, nonsense. And people can see that it’s nonsense. Anybody who’s been to the West Bank, as I have a number of occasions and just seen the interaction between Israeli soldiers and police and ordinary Palestinians going about their business can see that. I’m afraid that amongst some sections of the Israeli public and politicians, there is a contempt that which extends into sort of dehumanizing the Palestinians they’re dealing with. And my view, and I think it’s the view of a lot of people, enough’s enough.