April 17, 2024Bill Maher, an American comedian and writer, is taught a much-needed lesson in Arab-Israeli affairs live on his show ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’ by guest Glenn Greenwald, an American journalist and author.
“It was our government that kept Mubarak in power, just like we’ve done across the entire Muslim world,” Greenwald declared.
Greenwald goes on to describe US interventionism in the Middle East and how they sponsored chaos, rebellion and instability for the sake of their interests.
“How can you be a citizen of the United States, the country that has generated MORE VIOLENCE AND MILITARISM in the world over the last five or six decades and say look at those people over there – they are incredibly violent. We played a significant role in what has been happening in the Middle East.”
The US has played a critical role in destabilising the Middle East. The blame by many in the West on Arabs and dismissing them as “barbaric”, is used to distract from the fact that the US was and is a major CAUSE of Middle Eastern tension, turmoil and war!! Leave the Middle East alone and MAYBE its conflicts will lessen!
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English Script:
Bill Maher: It’s not our fault what came out. We didn’t go into Egypt. We wound up with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Glenn Greenwald: We didn’t go into Egypt. We were supporting and propping up Mubarak for 30 years even as we were cheering for all the Tahrir Square demonstrators as though we were on their side. It was our government that kept Mubarak in power, just like we’ve done across the entire Muslim world. And it’s amazing for you to say that, well, look at all these Muslims. The minute you give them a little bit of freedom, they go wild, and they start being all violent. How can you be a citizen of the United States, the country that has generated more violence and militarism in the world over the last five or six decades and say, look at those people over there. They are incredibly violent. We play a significant role in what has been happening in the Middle East because we’ve been interfering and dominating that region in order to have access to their oil and protect Israel.
Bill Maher: I wasn’t talking about violence, I was talking about theocracy. That doesn’t happen here.
Glenn Greenwald: Okay, that doesn’t happen here. But at the same time, Iran isn’t invading lots of other countries and occupying them for a decade nor are fundamentalist Muslim countries the way the United States is. So these things are interlinked because we are continuously interfering in that part of the world. And so to say…
Bill Maher: Apparently, it’s all our fault.
Glenn Greenwald: It’s not all our fault, but when you send your military for six to eight straight decades into other countries to bomb them, kill their children and women and innocent men. Yeah, you take responsibility for your actions and say to the extent of that region is…
Bill Maher: That religion goes back a thousand years before our revolution so I don’t think we can take all the blame.
Glenn Greenwald: I don’t think we should. I think we should take a lot of it. And there’s lots of bodies and corpses that have been piled up in the name of Christianity and Judaism as well.
Bill Maher: Not recently.
Glenn Greenwald: Have you heard of the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza for the last 50 years, motivated in part by extremist views of Judaism or the wars in Europe, or the fact that there were generals in the United States saying we have to go and invade and destroy Iraq, a country of 26 million people, because our God is bigger? Lots of religions, not just Islam, produced by us.
Unidentified Woman: If I could just make one quick point about Egypt…
Bill Maher: A silly liberal view that all religions are alike because it makes you feel good.
Glenn Greenwald: No, it makes you feel good to say our side is better, that people over there are primitive and violent.
Bill Maher: No, it makes you feel good to put a crown on your head and say, I’m a good person. How do I prove that?
Glenn Greenwald: You get to ignore the responsibility that your own government has for the violence and instability in the world by saying, look, it’s that primitive religion over there that’s to blame.
Bill Maher: All right.