April 26, 2024Clare Daly, Irish Member of the EU parliament, SCOLDS the EU for their reversion to colonial values amidst the genocide perpetrated in Gaza.
“What has been seen cannot be unseen. And the world can now see exactly what European values really are. 200 days of Israel systematically wiping Gaza from the Earth.”
She goes on to say that the EU “flew the flag of the oppressor from day one” and increased weapons exports tenfold since the start of the war, all the while cutting off funding for UNRWA despite any evidence of wrongdoing.
“So keep your hand-wringing and your crocodile tears. It couldn’t have happened without your complicity… European values: same as it always was, MURDER and COLONIALSIM.”
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English Script:
Clare Daly: What has been seen cannot be unseen, and the world can now see exactly what European values really are. 200 days of Israel’s systematically wiping Gaza from the earth, 505 bombs a day, 21 an hour, doctors executed, mass graves in hospitals, journalists murdered. And all the while, with not just the silence, but the active complicity of the European Union. The European Union, who flew the flag of the oppressor from day one, whose countries axed the funding to a starving Palestinian population, despite any evidence of any wrongdoing from anyone against UNRWA who increased the flow of weapons to Israel ten fold since they started the genocide weapons to slaughter Palestinians. So keep your hand-wringing and your crocodile tears. It couldn’t have happened without your complicity. It’s continuing now because of it. European values: same as it always was, murder and colonialism. You’ll never be forgotten.