May 3, 2024Piers Morgan, a British journalist and host of ‘Piers Morgan Uncensored’ interviewed Mehdi Hasan, founder of Zeteo, over the definition of ‘INTIFAADA’ and its use on college campuses.
Piers Morgan: “Unless you can correct me…
Me: “I can…”
Piers: “…when was the last peaceful intifada?”
Me: “In 2011, the Tunisians… the Egyptians…”
Mehdi highlights that Intifaada is NOT correlated with VIOLENCE! It’s a term that translates as ‘uprising’ and is used across different contexts, INCLUDING PEACEFUL PROTESTS!
Morgan gets schooled once again.
Full interview: https://youtube.com/watch?v=YlOtL2eULJA
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English Script:
Piers Morgan: If people are going to do things like chant about an intifada. And I know you picked me up on X earlier about, “Do I know the meaning of intifada”? Well, here is what I know. There have been two intifadas involving the Israel-Palestine conflict, and they led to many thousands of deaths. But both were driven by violence. I mean, they weren’t peaceful Intifada. By very definition, these uprisings were violent and involved extreme violence, particularly the second one, which involved blatant acts of terrorism. So that is my understanding of Intifada. There have also been many other things in the last 30 years in the world which have been dubbed Intifada. And the one common denominator is they’ve all involved violent uprisings. In fact, I can’t think of, unless you can correct me, where was the last intifada? When was the last entirely peaceful intifada?
Mehdi Hassan: So in 2011, in the Arab Spring, the Tunisians rose up peacefully. I’m sure you supported them. I did, against their dictator, Ben Ali. The Egyptians rose up in Tahrir Square. I think you supported them. I certainly did, against Mubarak, against these dictators that we in the West have been supporting. Those were referred to, you can go back and look at the Arabic press, you can look at the BBC Arabic coverage, as Intifadas. We can go back further, in fact, we go back to a violent uprising that we all supported. The Warsaw Ghetto, Piers. The Warsaw Ghetto, right? Polish Jews standing up against the Nazis. Do you know how the US Holocaust Memorial Museum describes the Warsaw Ghetto on its Arabic page? It calls it the Warsaw Intifada.
Piers Morgan: But you wouldn’t categorize, Mehdi.
Mehdi Hassan: Hold on, hold on. Let me finish my point. Let me finish my point and then you come back in. The Warsaw Intifada, we’re not calling the Jews in Poland who stood up against the Nazis as terrorists. So, no, I don’t believe the intifada in and of itself is a terroristic or violent phrase. In the first Intifada, it was largely nonviolent. For the first year, Palestinians were killed at a rate of 27 times the number of Israelis that were killed. Rabin, you remember Rabin, Nobel Peace laureate? he said “break their bones”. The violence came largely from the Israeli side in the first Intifada. So just let’s be clear, that’s what intifada means: uprising. These students are not calling for violence. They’re not. if they wanted to, they would call for violence.
Piers Morgan: But back to my…
Mehdi Hassan: They’re calling for an uprising Piers.
Piers Morgan: Yeah, but they’re calling for an Intifada. They’re chanting about intifada and the two, which you and I have a different definition of it.
Mehdi Hassan: I am telling you intifada is used for peaceful uprisings as well.