May 16, 2024Devastating scenes unfold in Gaza as airstrikes mercilessly target civilian areas, leaving fifty innocent lives lost in a 3-story building in the Nuseirat refugee camp. The brutality of bombing refugee families, who seek nothing but safety for their children, is a grim reality of the ongoing conflict.
The notion that this is justified as ‘self-defense’ by some is nothing short of heart-wrenching.
Let’s not turn a blind eye to the human cost of violence and continue to demand justice and peace for Gaza
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE, SHARE to spread the knowledge.
#FreeGaza #PalestineSolidarity #GazaGenocide #UNRWA #EndGenocide #Palestine #ICJJustice #ceasefirenow #FreePalestine #Interfaith #StandWithUs #Truth #Gaza #Humanrights #Israel #فلسطين #اسرائیل #غزة #airdropaidforgaza #middleeast #truth #facts #Israel_Gaza_War #bds #icj #Rafah
English Script:
Salah Al Jafarawi: They pulled out a girl alive, and currently there is a martyr. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs. The martyr is in pieces. The martyr we are currently extracting and whom we are trying to pull out from under the rubble is in pieces. These are the bodies of the martyrs who were pulled out. This area is densely populated with displaced people. Most of the martyrs and even those missing in this house are people who were displaced from Rafah a few days ago because of the occupation’s ongoing threat to the city of Rafah. They were displaced from Rafah to the central region, and they ended up as either martyrs, missing, or injured because of the Israeli occupation targeting this house without warning. This is a three-story house, inhabited only by safe and displaced civilians. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.