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Hamas exists for a REASON!
If you want Hamas to cease to exist, remove the occupation. Remove the apartheid. Stop the genocide.
It’s simple.
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE, SHARE to spread the knowledge.
#Gaza #HumanRights #StopTheFamine #MedicalAid #SaveGaza #EndTheWar #HumanityFirst #ActNow #HealthcareForAll #Nakba76 #FreePalestine #StandWithPalestine #JusticeForPalestine #EndOccupation #PalestinianRights #FreePalestine #StandWithGaza #StudentProtest #UniversityOfAmsterdam #HumanRights #Solidarity #NoJusticeNoPeace #Amsterdam #Rafah #فلسطين
English Script:
Interviewer: What do you think about Hamas?
Unknown man: History will show that when you are pushed to your limits, and if you are not recognized as a people, if you aren’t given an army to fight for you. There is a line in the sand, has to be drawn somewhere, and people will have to stand up and fight for those people. That is where Hamas has come from. Hamas is the culmination of all of this, it’s resistance, you know? And at the end of the day, people can only be trodden so far into the ground before they have to stand up and take action. Palestine should be given their land back. I think that all politicians need to come together across the aisle and recognize that the only way forward is an immediate ceasefire, so that we can start working on making sure that that land is reclaimed by the Palestinian people, and that we can reverse the madness of the last 76 years.