August 1, 2024Middle East analyst, Rami Khouri, describes the free nature Israel takes to commit WHATEVER crimes it wants in the world!
“Israel is now a runaway killing machine, itt ignores international law. It ignores UN resolutions, it ignores its main supplier, armer, protector and funder, which is the United States, and it just does whatever it wants to do.”
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English Script:
Rami Khouri: Israel is now a runaway killing machine. It ignores international law and ignores U.N. resolutions and ignores its main supplier, armor, protector and funder, which is the United States. And it just does whatever it wants to do. It’s a kind of Frankenstein version of Zionism that started out 100 years ago to help persecuted Russian Jews live in a peaceful homeland somewhere, and it’s now a runaway killing machine that ignores all established norms and feels that it has exclusive rights that are not available to anybody else in Palestine, and nobody seems able to stop it. And the worst thing is that nobody seems to be trying to stop it.