August 6, 2024A former Israeli sniper turned activist, exposes the horrific atrocities committed by the IDF in Palestine…and in particular explains what he was forced to do when undertaking “OPERATION STRAW WIDOW”.
He explains how to this day, the IDF would commandeer a Palestinian family’s home in the middle of the night. Lock the family in a room while they took over the house, set up their sniping unit and would use that location to shoot and kill innocent Palestinians in the streets.
He states: “It is an occupation that has been going for 57 years.”
**When the TRUTH about Israel’s decades of atrocities against Palestinians is told by Israelis themselves, we can’t ignore it and we must use it to fight for JUSTICE.
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English Script:
Former IDF soldier: I became an activist because I was a soldier in the Israeli army. I’m 38 years old, I served 20 years ago, and I served in the Special Forces Unit of the Infantry Nachal Brigade, and me and my team were snipers. And when you serve as a sniper in the West Bank and Gaza, you’re inside Palestinian cities, towns. But more than everything else, you’re inside Palestinian homes. Almost every night we did an operation that is called “straw widow”. A “straw widow” is when you take a private Palestinian house and turn it into a military post. It means that you have to storm the house in the middle of the night, drag all of the family members from their beds and put them in one room, so they won’t bother us. Then we put our sniper rifles, and me as the spotter of the team I would put my thermal camera in one of the rooms. Then we start scanning the city, and during that time, if one of the family members wants to eat, to drink, to take medicine, to go to the bathroom, they need authorization from us because it’s our house, it’s not their house anymore. A “straw widow” could be 2 hours or 4 hours or six hours or two days, right? And after that ends, we just take all of our weapons and everything, and we go back to the base. And when we go back to the base, the first time we did it, I understood that we ruined the Palestinian families life. Not because we want information, not because we want to shoot at someone, because they told us this is a routine operation, you have to be with your snipers rifles inside of a Palestinian city. And I was brought up on the idea that I have to protect Israel, that what I am doing in the Israeli army is protecting Israel, and that wasn’t protecting Israel, that was controlling Palestinians. And that’s a different thing altogether. So you asked me how I became an activist, I served in the IDF, and I think that as an Israeli, we have the moral obligation to speak about what we did over there. It’s not a secret that belongs to me as a soldier or as an Israeli. It’s something that everybody should know that is happening almost every night, straw widow like I did. But every day we have checkpoints and Palestinians needing permits, and now fighting in Gaza and arrests. It’s an ongoing occupation of 57 years.