“A just world is actually possible – but not with America.” – ERDOGAN
December 12, 2023View this post on Instagram
Turkish President delivered a strong anti-America speech attacking its Veto of the UN Resolution that would have brought an end to the massacre of Palestinians.
He said: “A just world is actually possible, but not with America.”
He also stated that the United Nations was ineffective because of the veto power of the five members of the UN Security Council (USA, UK, France, China & Russia).
He said: “The United Nations Security Council Must be REFORMED.”
The wisest words I have heard in a long time.
The world has lost its moral courage.
The world has fallen into deep servitude.
The world has lost its moral turpitude.
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE watch the report and SHARE to spread the knowledge.
Video credit @shanghaieye
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