December 15, 2023
Ana Kasparian from The Young Turks reveals a statement made by Benjamin Netanyahu to his Likud Party in 2019 that specifically exposes his plan that included ”bolstering Hamas…and transfering money to Hamas” to destroy any chance of a Palestinian state ever being established.
Over the years, Netanyahu’s governments implemented a strategy that decentralized power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank aiming to weaken the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and support the Hamas terror group.
The intention was to hinder the West Bank government, led by Abbas or others, from progressing towards establishing a Palestinian state. Israeli policy often treated the Palestinian Authority as a burden and considered Hamas an asset, as acknowledged by figures like Bezalel Smotrich.
Bibi knew exactly what he was doing when he “ALLOWED” Hamas to attack Israel on Oct 7 so he would have an excuse to DESTROY GAZA.
If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE watch the report and SHARE to spread the knowledge.
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English Script:
Ana Kasparian: So in March of 2019, Netanyahu told his Likud colleagues the following I’m going to read his quote verbatim. Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank. I didn’t say it.
We didn’t make it up. We didn’t even paraphrase. We read you his exact statement. So now the civilians who had been living in horrible conditions as a result of the Israeli government in the Gaza Strip now have to pay the consequences of what Hamas carried out on October 7th. And Hamas was propped up and funded by Benjamin Netanyahu, isn’t that so convenient?